package gnoblog

import (

func TestPackage(t *testing.T) {

	author := std.GetOrigCaller()

	// by default, no posts.
		got := Render("")
		expected := `
# Gnoland's Blog

No posts.
		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

	// create two posts, list post.
		ModAddPost("slug1", "title1", "body1", "2022-05-20T13:17:22Z", "moul", "tag1,tag2")
		ModAddPost("slug2", "title2", "body2", "2022-05-20T13:17:23Z", "moul", "tag1,tag3")
		got := Render("")
		expected := `
	# Gnoland's Blog

<div class='columns-3'><div>

### [title2](/r/gnoland/blog:p/slug2)
 20 May 2022

### [title1](/r/gnoland/blog:p/slug1)
 20 May 2022
		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

	// view post.
		got := Render("p/slug2")
		expected := `
<main class='gno-tmpl-page'>

# title2



Tags: [#tag1](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag1) [#tag3](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag3)

Written by moul on 20 May 2022

Published by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq to Gnoland's Blog

<details><summary>Comment section</summary>


		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

	// list by tags.
		got := Render("t/invalid")
		expected := "# [Gnoland's Blog](/r/gnoland/blog:) / t / invalid\n\nNo posts."
		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

		got = Render("t/tag2")
		expected = `
# [Gnoland's Blog](/r/gnoland/blog:) / t / tag2


### [title1](/r/gnoland/blog:p/slug1)
 20 May 2022
		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

	// add comments.
		AddComment("slug1", "comment1")
		AddComment("slug2", "comment2")
		AddComment("slug1", "comment3")
		AddComment("slug2", "comment4")
		AddComment("slug1", "comment5")
		got := Render("p/slug2")
		expected := `<main class='gno-tmpl-page'>

# title2



Tags: [#tag1](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag1) [#tag3](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag3)

Written by moul on 20 May 2022

Published by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq to Gnoland's Blog

<details><summary>Comment section</summary>


</h5><h6>by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq on 13 Feb 09 23:31 UTC</h6>



</h5><h6>by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq on 13 Feb 09 23:31 UTC</h6>


		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

	// edit post.
		oldTitle := "title2"
		oldDate := "2022-05-20T13:17:23Z"

		ModEditPost("slug2", oldTitle, "body2++", oldDate, "manfred", "tag1,tag4")
		got := Render("p/slug2")
		expected := `<main class='gno-tmpl-page'>

# title2



Tags: [#tag1](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag1) [#tag4](/r/gnoland/blog:t/tag4)

Written by manfred on 20 May 2022

Published by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq to Gnoland's Blog

<details><summary>Comment section</summary>


</h5><h6>by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq on 13 Feb 09 23:31 UTC</h6>



</h5><h6>by g1u7y667z64x2h7vc6fmpcprgey4ck233jaww9zq on 13 Feb 09 23:31 UTC</h6>


		assertMDEquals(t, got, expected)

		home := Render("")

		if strings.Count(home, oldTitle) != 1 {
			t.Errorf("post not edited properly")
		// Edits work everything except title, slug, and publicationDate
		// Edits to the above will cause duplication on the blog home page

	{ // Test remove functionality
		title := "example title"
		slug := "testSlug1"
		ModAddPost(slug, title, "body1", "2022-05-25T13:17:22Z", "moul", "tag1,tag2")

		got := Render("")

		if !strings.Contains(got, title) {
			t.Errorf("post was not added properly")

		postRender := Render("p/" + slug)

		if !strings.Contains(postRender, title) {
			t.Errorf("post not rendered properly")

		got = Render("")

		if strings.Contains(got, title) {
			t.Errorf("post was not removed")

		postRender = Render("p/" + slug)

		assertMDEquals(t, postRender, "404")

	// TODO: pagination.
	// TODO: ?format=...

	// all 404s
		notFoundPaths := []string{
		for _, notFoundPath := range notFoundPaths {
			got := Render(notFoundPath)
			expected := "404"
			if got != expected {
				t.Errorf("path %q: expected %q, got %q.", notFoundPath, expected, got)

func assertMDEquals(t *testing.T, got, expected string) {
	expected = strings.TrimSpace(expected)
	got = strings.TrimSpace(got)
	if expected != got {
		t.Errorf("invalid render output.\nexpected %q.\ngot      %q.", expected, got)