Blockchain Testnet Launched: Test4 Now Live

We are excited to announce the launch of our blockchain testnet, Test4. This milestone marks a significant leap in our journey towards the mainnet, bringing new capabilities and stability to our development environment.

Key Features of Test4

Transition to a Decentralized Network

Test4 is our first step towards a fully decentralized blockchain network. Unlike earlier stages, it supports multiple validator nodes, enhancing security and resilience. The initial validator set consists of:

  • Core engineering team
  • DevX team
  • Onbloc

Which brings us to the second major feature, the GovDAO.


The first iteration of the testing GovDAO enables on-chain voting and validator management. The initial GovDAO members are team members, major contributors and teams already building dapps on The first voting proposals will be to add additional 3rd party validators:

  • Berty
  • Teritori
  • IrreverentSimplicity

Our plan is to keep evolving the GovDAO mechanism, with the goal of setting up a decentralized entity that incentivizes members to be active and contribute to the project.

A Stable Environment for dApp Development

Test4 is the first permanent and stable testnet for, designed to avoid breaking changes. To help developers use it to build and test dApps, we've added Test4 to the Faucet Hub; you're able to obtain test tokens and experiment without real consequences.

We've also collaborated with Onbloc to update Adena, which now supports Test4 out of the box. Onbloc has also provided GnoScan, a transaction explorer to aid in smart contract development and troubleshooting.


Namespaces provide users with the exclusive capability to publish contracts under their designated namespaces, similar to GitHub's user and organization model. Or simply put, you'll be able to claim a username and use it as your on-chain identity. Learn more about it in the docs.

What's Next?

We've launched Test4 a few weeks ahead of the schedule - we'll be heads down the next few weeks fixing bugs and patching things. There's still a lot of work left before we get to a mainnet release candidate. That's where you come in: play around with Test4, break it, and contribute.

Only together we'll be able to build the right way. So let's get started, gnomies!

Tags: #gnoland #ecosystem #govdao #test4

Written by Kouteki on 17 Jul 2024

Published by g125em6arxsnj49vx35f0n0z34putv5ty3376fg5 to's blog