user registry
Welcome to the user registry (v1). Please register a username.
Registering a username grants the registering address the right to deploy packages and realms
under that username’s namespace. For example, if an address registers the username gnome123
, it
will gain permission to deploy packages and realms to package paths with the pattern{p,r}/gnome123/*
In V1, usernames must follow these rules, in order to prevent username squatting:
- Must start with 3 characters
- Must end with 3 numbers
- Have a maximum length of 20 characters
- With the only special character allowed being
In later versions of the registry, vanity usernames will be allowed through specific mechanisms.
[Click here to register]
Registration price: 1.000000 GNOT (1000000ugnot)
Latest registrations
- User norman4242
- User salmad003
- User meeshell222
- User ticojohnny187
- User aeddi2424
- User thomas000
- User ajnavarro1142
- User aeddi4242
- User clockwork303
- User alexis000