/r/moul/home [source] [help]
Click [here](https://moul.github.io/gno-moul-home-web25/) to visit the full rendering experience.
# Manfred's (gn)home Dashboard
## Meme

## Status


## Personal TODO List (bullet list)
- fill this todo list... [x](/r/moul/home$help&func=DeleteTodo&idx=0)
- [\[new\]](/r/moul/home$help&func=AddTodo)
## Personal TODO List (table)
| ID | Item | Links |
| --- | --- | --- |
| #0 | fill this todo list... | [\[del\]](/r/moul/home$help&func=DeleteTodo&idx=0) |
## SVG Example
this feature may not work with the current gnoweb version and/or configuration.

hello world!

## Debug
this feature may not work with the current gnoweb version and/or configuration.

[toggle debug](/r/moul/home:?debug=1)