The More You Gno 11: Introducing gnobro

As we're gearing up toward the mainnet launch, we haven't forgotten to give some love to minor features that makes everyone's lives easier. This time the spotlight's on gnobro.

Gno Core Updates

gnobro is Live

What's gnobro, you say? Simply put, it's a terminal based realm browser you can use to explore realms and improve the development experience on 'gnodev'. See it in action.


  • We've updated the release CI and fixed issues with go-releaser. Now all of the tools in the monorepo are released properly, with accompanying artifacts.
  • Added support for smooth .md file rendering in gnoweb, ahead of our plans to work on gnoweb 2.0. This allows packages that have READMEs and other documentation to render easily in gnoweb.
  • Slew of GnoVM fixes, increasing stability
  • We've added back coverage support (CodeCov) for txtar tests, which make up a majority of our integration testing suite. The txtar tests for the gnovm package added an additional 5% coverage. We are currently assessing other packages that suffer from bad txtar coverage.
  • We've added support for more robust stack traces for Gno-code panics, providing a much better UX for the developer. You no longer need to dig through a 5k line log output to figure out what panicked in your Gno code; you'll see the exception stack trace instead.
  • Variable config command help output is drastically improved. In the past you'd need to know exactly what the configuration looks like before modifying or viewing the values. Now these values are conveniently present in the command help output.
  • Last, but not least: let's welcome our new R&D Go Engineer, Antoine. He'll help us scale core components for gno and beyond!

Events and Meetups

Past events

BUIDL With Cosmos / Web3 Summit, Germany

We've had a couple of cool talks in Berlin: An Introduction to by Leon Hudak and Building the Interchain of Ecosystems by Tobias Schwartz.

Web3 Kamp

Web3 Kamp is a 9-day intensive camp held anually in Serbia, focusing on getting students involved in Web3. Check out this X thread for the highligh of our involvement.

Tags: #gnoland #ecosystem #updates #gnovm #gnobro

Written by Kouteki on 02 Sep 2024

Published by g125em6arxsnj49vx35f0n0z34putv5ty3376fg5 to's blog