The More You Gno 12: Gno Bounties

Welcome to the 12th edition of The More You Gno! This month's highlight is our bounty program; solve an interesting challenge in Gno, get paid.

Gno Bounties

Here's how our bounty program works. We've labelled issues in our repo that are eligible for the bounty program.

  1. Find a bounty you want to work on
  2. Submit a draft PR
  3. Ask questions and get feedback early

Bounties are sorted by t-shirt sizes, ranging from $500 to $32,000 USD.

Find out more here.

Introducing Gnoverse

One of the tenets is censorship resistance. For that, we need greater decentralization. That's why we're opening Gnoverse, a new GitHub organization dedicated to community-driven projects, as well as other minot projects not critical to the infrastructure.

Contributors will be able to experiment with Gno related ideas and projects, collaborating without interference and oversight from the core engineering team.

We've migrated a dozen repos from Gnolang to Gnoverse. Whether you're a developer, designer, or just passionate about Gno, your input is invaluable. Feel free to submit pull requests, suggest ideas, or simply join the conversation.

Gno Core Updates

The engineering team got together in Turin, Italy, to work through the details of the upcoming launch. We are almost ready to talk about this publicly, but you can hear some spoilers on the video snippets we caught.


Events and Meetups

Past events Contributor Tech Discussions

We've revamped the contributor calls to showcase the cool stuff being built on our platform, and have technical discussions on the challenges we face. The 1st video is out, and new ones will be published every two weeks.

Go Meetup - Turin, Italy

During our engineering retreat in Turin, we took the opportunity to connect with the local Go community and hold a workshop. Our very own Morgan Bazalgette walked the attendees through the project, followed by a live coding session where Morgan built a simple messaging board. See the video here.

Tags: #gnoland #ecosystem #updates #gnovm

Written by Kouteki on 17 Oct 2024

Published by g125em6arxsnj49vx35f0n0z34putv5ty3376fg5 to's blog